Aurora Savira
November 23, '09, Sunday: Marks the 2nd year anniversary of Stiletto Moody. Their anniversary is HUGE and laggy. I thought I'd never get a FREE pair of Moody's because the two sims were full all day long! I tried almost 20 times sporadically today and made it around 11:44 pm EST which is only around 8:11 in SLT.

I should have posted a blog earlier, but I was too overwhelmed with the other products that I had to put out. Stiletto Moody released their anniversary special called "Bare Lana" for 1L if you didn't belong to their newly created group. I suggest anyone who subscribes to the group, should stay there FOREVER. I guarantee you that Moody will release group gifts and will probably restrict it to residents who are able to afford the enrollment fee. I think that's the new trend nowadays...

Here's what it looks like in one of the sims that has the godly shoes:

It was FULL and I can barely move. As you can see, most people were gray...except me of course!

And this is my interpretation of the Moody shoes I got:

For some odd reason, the shoes had the Posh- like- attitude : Feisty and Edgy.

Hair: The Abyss light blonde (not free)

Shades: [Chuculet] sunglasses- diva - brown

Full Outfit: Me'lange Freebie Gift fat pack 0L ( see previous post for LM)

Shoes: Stiletto Moody Group Anniversary Gift

Wallet : Came with the Stiletto Moody Group Gift

So if you ask me, is it worth spending your precious time to pick up a FREE- HIGH QUALITY- MUST HAVE- NORMALLY EXPENSIVE- Stiletto Moody ?



Go grab it NOW and JOIN the group!!!


Stay beautiful

~Aurora Savira

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